Saturday, 31 December 2011

2011 Recap

A recap of what's happened in the life of Izzy in 2011...


  • Did 4 exams and passed them all and got halfway-decent grades, even though I was convinced I'd fail them all
  • Went on an epic walk with Steve, Sam and Mike from Porthleven to the The Lizard
  • Broke up with Chris
  • Did the PTA (Patient Transport Attendant) course with SJA

(I genuinely can't find any pictures from February, really don't know how I managed to take no pictures for a whole month :\ )

  • Found my house for third year
  • Gave blood for the first time
  • Passed my PTA assessment


  • Had a picnic on Pendennis Point with Steve, Mike and Sam
  • Managed to get myself more work experience... for September 2012 :\


  • Went to Cyprus
  • Came home and spent the rest of the Easter break writing my Cyprus report, doing a bit of revision for exams that I ended up not sitting and generally feeling crap without having a clue why or what was to come...

  • Got glandular fever just as I got back to Cornwall after the Easter break and spent over a week in bed
  • Had to postpone my exams until August
  • Missed working at Helston Flora Day with SJA which I'd been looking forward to for a whole year :(
  • Went to Devon for a few days (when I was sure I was completely recovered) and visited Clovelly, one of my favourite places


  • Worked at Royal Cornwall Show for 4 days with St John Ambulance
  • Gave blood for the second time and ended up looking like a drug addict who was doing it wrong


  • Decided my travels next summer will be a trip round Europe (although not sure what's happening with that now :( )
  • Did 2 weeks work experience at the Swan Sanctuary

  • Had the annual long summer stay in Devon and spent nearly all of it with my head in textbooks
  • Went back to Cornwall a month earlier than usual and did my exams
  • Went on a lovely weekend away with Steve


  • Applied for a grant to take part in a cetacean research project - while I didn't get a place, I made the short list and got a really nice book from New Scientist in return
  • Lost the internet in my uni house
  • In a week and a half did almost a full-time work week for St John Ambulance(35 hours) covering the Fresher's parties and Fresher's Fayre

  • Still had no internet in my uni house
  • Turned 21
  • Did a street collection in Falmouth with LINKS and raised just under £400 :)

  • Eventually got the internet back, 11 weeks after we lost it
  • Did my first ever craft fair
  • Started my third year research project (equivalent to a dissertation)

  • Spent most of my time in the aviary doing my research project
  • Came home for Christmas feeling so happy that I didn't have to revise for January exams!
  • Got prepared for my trip to South Africa just after New Year

2011 was a strange year, filled with a lot of really awful times and a lot of shed tears, but it was also filled with a lot of good times and I think, while I'm not completely happy and where I want to be in my life, I'm a great deal happier now than I was last year.
My Five Things Fridays post from yesterday talks about 5 of my hopes for 2012. Overall I hope that I'll go even further to being completely happy with myself and my life in 2012, and I hope that there are lots more good times ahead.

Happy new year everyone :)

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