While out in Cyprus in the first week of April (which I just realised I still haven't blogged about, fail) I did a lot of wildlife spotting. We had to compile species lists during the week, and when I remembered that I had this task on my list I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to tick it off.
So, here is my list of 25 different species of animal I've seen in the wild, during one week on the Karpaz Peninsula in North Cyprus (4th - 11th April 2011):
1. Hooded crow - Corvus corone
2. Collared dove - Streptopelia decaocto
3. Jackdaw -Corvus moedula4. House sparrow - Passer domesticus
5. Common Swift - Apus apus
6. Egyptian fruit bat - Rousettus aegyptiacus
7. Crested lark - Galerida cristata
8. Marsh harrier - Circus aeruginosus
9. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
10. Eurasian kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
11. Red-rumped swallow - Hirundo daurica
12. Little owl - Athena noctua
13. Eurasian Scops owl - Otus scops
14. Cyprus wheatear - Oenanthe cypriaca
15. Northern wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe
16. Isabelline wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina
17. Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
18. Hoopoe - Upupa epops
19. Blue rock thrush - Monticola solitarius
20. Black francolin - Francolinus francolinus
21. Short-toed lark - Calandrella brachydactyla
22. Cretzschmars Bunting - Emberiza caesia
23. Quail - Coturnix coturnix
24. Masked shrike - Lanius nubicus
25. Glossy ibis - Plegadis falcinellus
(Spot the one species that isn't a bird!)
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